Specialist Services Provided
VTS has been engaged to provide non evasive trenchless solutions and has extensive experience In:
High Density Population, Industrial, Commercial and Domestic, Semi Rural, Urban Spread and Natural Habitats.
Drilling/Boring beneath:
Footpaths, Crossings, Major and Minor Roads, Highway Off and On Ramps, Freeways, Highways, Rail and Tram Tracks, Airport Runways.
To preserve and protect:
Limited Heritage Buildings, Commercial, Industrial and Private Properties, Housing Estates, Subdivisions, Cemeteries, Apartments, Prisons, Hospitals, Police Stations, Universities, Libraries,
Zoos, Creeks, Rivers, Parklands, Waterways, Trees, Public Gardens, Golf Courses, Swimming Pools.
Work Projects include but not limited to:
Upgrades and new traffic signals, streetlights, speed cameras, traffic signs, traffic sensors, traffic surveillance cameras, railway signal lights.